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Baby Zachary's Home Birth Story!

Robin came to me after having had 4 babies in the hospital setting and decided that with her 5th and final child, she wanted to have a home birth and do things more naturally than before. Each of her pregnancy and deliveries were so different and often out of her control so she decided this…


Baby Sapphire's Home Birth Story!

I met Alli early in her pregnancy when she came to me wanting something different for her second pregnancy. She delivered in the hospital setting with her first and knew that their natural lifestyle lined up much more consistently with what a home birth provided. Alli’s pregnancy progressed as expected with no issues or anything…


Baby Joshua's First Time Home Birth Story!

I met Erin towards the end of her first trimester when she and her husband decided they wanted to welcome their first baby in the comfort of their own home. Erin’s husband, Nick knew my husband growing up and it was fun getting to know them in their consult and hearing how excited they were…


Baby Kiran's Home Birth Story!

I met Daesha early in her pregnancy when she found out she was finally pregnant after several fertility treatments and waiting for so long for this good news! This was Daesha’s first pregnancy, though she had an amazing adopted son, and she knew she wanted a natural way to bring her baby into this world!…


Birth as Experienced by the Midwife: A Home Birth Transfer Story!

It’s hard to believe I’m writing my own birth story, well my home birth transfer birth story! I love taking the time to write a birth story from my perspective for each of my clients but it’s still the outsider’s perspective. While I am holding space, I am still not the one experiencing the birth…


Baby Emmitt's Home Birth Story!

I met Amanda as I do many of my pregnant mama’s early in her pregnancy when she decided she wanted to have a home birth with her second child. Her first child had been born in the hospital and she knew this time she truly wanted to do something different. Her pregnancy progressed as expected…


Baby Zaiden's Home Birth Story!

I had the pleasure of meeting Tiffany midway through her second trimester after she made the decision that a home birth was going to be a better option for her and her family. Her first baby was delivered via c-section after she had been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and the induction methods they were giving her…


Baby Scarlett's Home Birth Story!

I met Vanessa late in her pregnancy when she found out her insurance would cover her home birth. She was thrilled to have found this option and we got excited for the rest of her care even though it was going to be short! Vanessa did beautifully and even handled going much later this pregnancy…


Baby Amelia's Home Birth!

I met Debbie mid-way through her pregnancy after she had begun care with an OB and felt she wanted to do something different this pregnancy. Her previous child was born in the hospital and she did an amazing job with her natural birth but she just felt like home was where she needed to be…


Baby Philip's Home Birth Story!

I met Leah and her husband early in her first pregnancy when they decided it was best for them to pursue a home birth. Leah’s pregnancy progressed well but we discovered at her 20 week ultrasound that her placenta was lying very close to her cervix and in order to have a safe home birth,…


Baby Charlotte's Fast Home Birth!

I met Hannah when she had her first baby at home with a fellow midwife colleague and I had the privilege of attending as an assistant! Hannah did an amazing job with her first labor and we were excited to see what her body would do with her second baby! Her pregnancy progressed smoothly and…


Baby Samuel's SPEEDY Home Birth!

I met Marie VERY late in her pregnancy when she moved here from New York and knew she needed to change from her original hospital birth plan to a home birth plan. She never felt comfortable with the hospital and knew a home birth would be her best option. We got her transferred over, did…

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