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Baby Melina's Home Birth Story!

I met Melody very early in her pregnancy during a consult. She knew what she wanted from the beginning of her pregnancy and she was going to get it! I was honored to serve this sweet family and could not wait to meet their new addition! Melody had a fabulous pregnancy and as expected with…


Baby Owen's Home Birth Story!

I had the honor of working with Jessica with her previous baby! I LOVE getting to work with repeat clients as it is a testament to the wonderful relationship we create that makes mama’s come back time after time! We were so excited to find out what Jessica and Nic were having this time around…


Baby Theodore's Home Birth Story!

Samantha was another sweet mama who decided later in her pregnancy that she needed to do a home birth for her second baby. I loved the prospect of helping a mama so last minute and helping her have the birth of her dreams! It was very clear Samantha would rock her home birth and I…


Baby Eliot's Home Birth Story!

I met Sara later in her pregnancy after she had already started care with her OB. She had had two previous hospital births and after some thinking, decided she needed to look into some out of hospital birth options. This was going to be her last baby and she wanted to have the exact special…


New Home Birth and Birth Center Stats!

New stats are out and they’re glowing regarding the amazing benefits of out of hospital birth (home birth especially)! Enjoy this awesome breakdown from my student Lauren Blease who will be joining Mountain Miracles Midwifery, Inc. as a nurse-midwife in the fall! Lauren did her final Master’s project on the safety of home birth and…


Baby W's Home Birth Story!

I met Laura early in her pregnancy shortly after they relocated to Colorado Springs from Alaska. When they found out they were pregnant, they knew a home birth was going to be the right place for them to bring this new baby into the world. Laura’s pregnancy progressed beautifully and was following her previous pregnancy…


Baby Emerson's Home Birth Story!

Alyssa was referred to me by another client who delivered with me in the past and while she was excited about the idea of home birth, she was nervous about how she could cope with the pain as well! I loved getting to meet Alyssa and was so excited about the prospect of working with…


Baby Calvin's Home Birth Story!

It’s amazing how long ago it seems that I met sweet Meadow! She started with a different health care provider initially and then decided she wanted to switch back to me for her home birth and I was more than excited to help her! Her pregnancy progressed beautifully and Meadow did such a great job…


Baby Georges' Home Birth Story!

Jenn came to me a little later in her pregnancy when she decided she needed a change in her home birth plans. Jenn had successfully delivered at home previously so this was nothing new for her so we were all very excited to see what this next sweet baby would bring! Jenn chose not to…


Baby Noelle's Home Birth Story!

I had the privilege of meeting Rachel early in her first pregnancy when she decided a home birth was the direction her family wanted to take to bring their new first love into this world! Rachel’s pregnancy progressed wonderfully and as her due date approached, we all could feel the excitement building! Forty weeks passed…


Baby Lyric's Home Birth Story!

I met sweet Melissa early in her second trimester when she decided an OB-attended hospital birth was not going to suit her needs for this pregnancy. Melissa had given birth to her older daughter in a hospital-based birthing center and wanted something similar but this time, she wanted it in the comfort of her own…


Baby Ezra's Home Birth Story!

I met Brittany midway through her pregnancy after she decided she wanted something different for this pregnancy. She was nervous about how she would manage the pain but we encouraged her throughout her pregnancy that she had what she needed to deliver her baby safely at home! Brittany’s pregnancy progressed beautifully and as predicted, Brittany…

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