Hey there! We found this video about the amazing care midwives provide. Just in case the video has an issue loading, we have provided the transcript below for your convenience!

Speaker 1: Midwifery?

Speaker 2: Midwifery.

Speaker 1: Is that right? Midwifery?

Speaker 3: I don’t know.

Speaker 4: Midwifery.

Speaker 2: Midwifery, yes.

Speaker 1: Is that like a female in her 30s, married woman?

Speaker 5: I know they help during the birth of a child, but that’s pretty much all that I know about it.

Speaker 2: A midwife can also, as I know, provide some pain relief in terms of breathing exercises and things like that.

Speaker 3: I think midwives work at a hospital.

Speaker 4: Some are in hospitals, some are at home.

Speaker 6: I don’t think they work at a hospital.

Jenifer Fahey: Midwives are everywhere. We’re in the home, offices, giving prenatal care, giving family planning care. We work in hospitals, we work in birth centers.

Marsha Jackson: Most people, when you think of a midwife, you just think of somebody who helps women have babies. But we do a lot more than that. We work with women throughout their life

Jenifer Fahey: When someone comes to see a midwife, they often wonder about what we can do for them as far as pain management, as far as medications. They’re worried that if you’re with a midwife you can’t have an epidural, for example. Which is not true. I think a lot of people are surprised to hear the level of training and education that is required to be a midwife in the U.S. because midwives do so much more than just birth.

Marsha Jackson: We provide personalized care.

Phebe T: The main reason I chose a midwife is because I wasn’t a number. I was actually a patient, I was actually a person with feelings, and they were gonna devote the time that I needed to answer all of my questions, address my concerns. They want you to make good choices for you and your unborn baby. I’m so glad that I chose a midwife. It’s definitely an ongoing relationship.

John W Larsen: Midwives have reduced the Cesarean section rate in this country. It’s overall been drifting up in the range of 30%. The midwife practice here at GW has a Cesarean section delivery rate of 5%. Physicians plus midwives is a way of putting together the collaboration that responds to what the patients want. Doctors should advocate for the midwives. I enjoy the sharing, I enjoy the collaboration.

Kristina Krimm: I chose midwife because they are trained to deal with birth as a normal process, not a medical emergency. I plan to use a midwife for the rest of my life for my healthcare needs. I trust them and know that they have my best interests in mind, and that’s really important to me.

Marsha Jackson: As midwives, our philosophy of care is based on respect for women.

Jenifer Fahey: We put the woman and her family at the center of the care, and then build out from that.

Marsha Jackson: We collaborate together. We’re partners.

Jenifer Fahey: I think all women deserve a midwife.

Marsha Jackson: Every woman deserves high quality, evidence-based, personalized care. And we’re here to make it happen.

If you’re looking for midwifery services, feel free to call us today at (719) 249-6008 and begin your personalized care process.

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