What does women’s wellness mean? Staying in touch with your healthcare provider and understanding your unique circumstances.

The word “wellness” has been used in recent years in marketing for beauty products, sports equipment, and even books. But what is wellness? And what does women’s wellness mean, really?

If you’re looking for information about well-woman care in Colorado Springs, today’s blog may help answer a few questions you might have.

Your Input Is Essential

Before you consider any specifics of well-woman care, you have to remember that your voice matters. Whether you are visiting your nurse-midwife, OB/GYN, or primary care provider, you have to speak up for yourself. Remember, we don’t think you’re complaining or overreacting. Every concern is worth looking into.

Your care provider will likely want to talk about your physical health. As far as well-woman care is concerned, this might include uncomfortable topics, such as your sexual history, number of partners, intimate hygiene, and information about your menstrual cycle. These are all bits of info that your care provider can use to help you make the best decisions for your overall health.

Your nurse-midwife or other care provider will also ask about your social life. They want to know about your friendships, romantic interests, hobbies, and whether or not you engage in self-care.

When you discuss all of these things openly and honestly with your doctor or nurse-midwife, they’ll get to know you and your needs. Whether you plan to discuss birth control, preventative health screenings, or other topics, your openness and honesty is crucial.

Well-Woman Care And Screenings

If you’re visiting a well-woman care provider in Colorado Springs, they might recommend any number of screenings to get a baseline of your overall, current health. These may include a pelvic exam or a Pap test.

A pelvic exam usually only takes place every 3 to 5 years. This essentially looks at the overall health of your vagina. This lets your practitioner look for dermatologic issues, endocrine disorders, and current infections.

If your healthcare provider recommends a Pap test, this is to look for abnormal cells that might indicate HPV, cervical cancer, or other disorder. All women over the age of 21 should get a Pap smear at least every three years. Once you hit 30, your doctor may recommend a combination Pap and HPV test every five years.

Other screenings may include a thyroid test, which checks your thyroid hormones; a mammogram, once you reach 40, it’s time to talk to your well-woman care provider about your first mammogram (to check for breast cancer) and a bone density screening, which can offer early detection for osteoporosis. Ask your nurse-midwife if other tests and exams are right for you.

Your overall health matters, and when it’s time for well-woman care, your Colorado Springs-based nurse-midwife can help you take better care of yourself so that you can have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy body beyond childbirth. Ask your nurse-midwife today for more information or to schedule your next visit.

Mountain Miracles Midwifery offers home and water birth services for parents wishing to bring their little one into the world with a gentle transition in a safe and relaxed environment. Our certified nurse-midwives are the best in the industry and have a decade of combined experience in prenatal, newborn, and postpartum care. We know that choosing a certified nurse-midwife for your labor and childbirth experience is a highly personal decision, and we cherish being a part of this process. Mountain Miracles Midwifery is the only service of its kind in the Colorado Springs area that accepts insurance.

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