If you’re trying to figure out why do mothers choose water birth, the answer is that it’s all about personal preference and a more natural experience.

Have you ever heard of the term water birth? It’s popular in Colorado Springs, and there are many reasons for that. A water birth is simply the act of laboring and giving birth into a temperature-controlled pool of water. It’s an option for moms that may not want to rely on pain medicine to cope with the pains of labor. There are other benefits as well. Let’s take a look.

The Pros Of Water Birth In Colorado Springs

Many moms that choose water birth do so because they would like to have an increased sense of control over the entire process. Along with this, other benefits you might experience include:

  • A secure and relaxing environment. Water is known to be calming and relaxing. Plus, it’s warm and comforting. And if you choose so, your nurse-midwife can dim the lights for an even more intimate and relaxing experience.
  • Less reliance on pain relief medications. Many women report a higher tolerance for pain when they choose a water birth. This means that you may not even need pain medication.
  • Privacy. If you choose a water birth in Colorado Springs, you can labor and give birth in your own home. This is much more private than in a hospital setting, where anybody can walk into the room when you’re in a compromising position.
  • Greater control over your position. If you’re still wondering why do mothers choose water birth? Many explain that it’s because it makes it easier to get into a comfortable position as the baby makes its final descent into the world.

When’s The Right Time To Get Into The Birthing Pool?

The best part of having a water birth is that it’s completely up to you when you get into the water. Once the nurse-midwife has your pool ready, she’ll let you know. Keep in mind, however, that you might need assistance, so make sure that your nurse-midwife and/or partner are around to ensure that you stay upright until you’re ready to get cozy.

Is It Safe To Labor During A Water Birth?

Absolutely. Your nurse-midwife has been trained to ensure your experience is as safe and smooth as possible. The main exception here is that you can’t use a TENS (electrical stimulation) unit while you’re in the water.

What Are Some Reasons I Might Not Be Able To Have A Water Birth?

The vast majority of moms can choose water birth. However, there might be some circumstances where your nurse-midwife might recommend a hospital setting. Having a premature baby, the need for specialized monitoring, and active infection, preeclampsia or other medically-complex pregnancy, multiples, a breech baby, or vaginal bleeding are all concerns that should be discussed in depth with your nurse-midwife. Further, if your water broke more than a day ago, if your baby has passed meconium, or if you need to be induced, a water birth might not be a viable option.

Are you considering a water birth? Contact Mountain Miracles Midwifery for more information. Our caring and experienced nurse-midwives can walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have. 

Mountain Miracles Midwifery offers home and water birth services for parents wishing to bring their little one into the world with a gentle transition in a safe and relaxed environment. Our certified nurse-midwives are the best in the industry and have a decade of combined experience in prenatal, newborn, and postpartum care. We know that choosing a certified nurse-midwife for your labor and childbirth experience is a highly personal decision, and we cherish being a part of this process. Mountain Miracles Midwifery is the only service of its kind in the Colorado Springs area that accepts insurance.

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