I met Melody very early in her pregnancy during a consult. She knew what she wanted from the beginning of her pregnancy and she was going to get it! I was honored to serve this sweet family and could not wait to meet their new addition! Melody had a fabulous pregnancy and as expected with it being her first pregnancy, she went overdue! At her 41-week visit, we talked about her options but I encouraged Melody to continue to trust her body (as she was doing such a great job already) and we decided to forgo anything that might push the process before it was ready and we waited patiently for baby!

One day later, at 41 weeks and 2 days, I received a call from Melody’s doula letting me know they had been laboring through the night and that her water broke and things were progressing nicely! Not too long after, Melody was ready for me to come and when I arrived, I found Melody rocking her birth in the birth tub with her fabulous doula Candace! We tried some different positions as she started to feel the urge to push and adjusted as baby needed for the big transition that was happening!! Melody was a ROCKSTAR as we moved her from the tub, to her bed, to the toilet, back to her bed and finally, baby settled into her pelvis when she was on her hands and knees and Melody could really give it her all with pushing! It was amazing watching Melody dig down deep and find the last bit a of strength she had to bring her sweet baby into the world! With each strong pushing effort, sweet baby emerged into this world and finally, with one big push, baby’s head delivered and then her sweet body followed! After so much hard work, Mama had done it!! Melody took a few deep breaths of recovery as the rest of us wiped away our tears! Melody was finally able to turn over and bring her sweet baby girl to her chest. Little Melina came into this world at 7lbs 13oz and just as perfect as ever!! Thank you to mama, dad and baby for allowing me to serve you during this incredibly special time, it was such a privilege and I look forward to even more time together in the future!

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