I met Savanya after she had called me when she heard I took her insurance. She was late in her pregnancy but had had a birth center birth with her previous child and did not want to drive 2 hrs to Denver from her home in Pueblo. She knew a home birth would suit her perfectly and we were excited to get started!

Savanya texted me mid-morning to let me know she felt like her contractions were getting stronger and that she may be going into labor. I could not believe it because I had just attended Sarah’s delivery the day before! How could I have two mom’s deliver back to back like this? Plus we had sky box tickets to the Sky Sox game and we were so excited to get the royal treatment! We talked briefly and decided to wait a bit longer before having me come in. We made it to the sky box and sat down to eat lunch as my phone began to ring. It was 1:30pm and had been a few hours since the first phone call and when I answered it was her fiancé Dillon. He needed me to come, she seemed to be progressing. I picked up my assistant and together we drove to Pueblo. I worried the entire drive that Savanya may deliver on me but trusted they would call if they needed anything more! We finally arrived at 2:40pm and Savanya was cool as a cucumber! I was worried we had come too soon because she was so calm. I checked her and found her to be 7cm! We quickly filled up their huge pool and were able to get her transferred over and comfortable! Within 20 mins her water broke and within 40 mins of getting into the tub Savanaya was pushing! I hollered for Dillon to come because he was helping care for their oldest son and I didn’t want him to miss it! He encouraged Savanya through 3 or 4 short pushes and she was finally able to lift little Mikaiah up to her chest. Born at 4:20pm and healthy as ever, we are blessed to have this little man with us!

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