I met Sarah when she moved here with her significant other. She was new to town, newly pregnant and knew very few people but knew she wanted a home birth! Sarah contacted me from a recommendation from another midwife due to insurance needs and we hit it off right away. I knew Sarah would do amazing for her home birth and would prove all odds wrong!

Sarah’s significant other Matt texted me on Saturday morning the 11th saying that she had woken up at 9:30am with intense contractions. It was 10:30am and this being her first baby, I encouraged her to take a bath and try to rest just in case it was a long labor. Matt contacted me an hour later saying that Sarah could not get comfortable and had passed a small clot. I arrived around 12:15pm to check on Sarah and to my surprise found her to be 7cm! No wonder she was feeling so miserable! I was SO amazed by her strength. I called in my team and within 2 hrs, Sarah was holding little Abigail in her arms. From start to finish, Sarah labored and delivered in 5 hrs. She proved that long first labors are not necessary and can be overcome! Beautiful labor, beautiful birth!

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