Alyssa was referred to me by another client who delivered with me in the past and while she was excited about the idea of home birth, she was nervous about how she could cope with the pain as well! I loved getting to meet Alyssa and was so excited about the prospect of working with her! I knew she was tough and could handle anything even if she wasn’t so sure herself! Her pregnancy progressed as expected and as 40 weeks blew by (which often happens with first time mama’s), she was getting anxious to meet her sweet baby! After discussing all of her options, she decided at her 41 week visit that she wanted to try sweeping her membranes to see if that would help encourage her to go into labor. I swept her membranes and hoped for the best (a baby in the next 48 hours)!

I received a text from Alyssa letting me know she felt she was having some early contractions, we chatted a bit about how to cope and when to call her doula and to wait patiently for active labor! Alyssa labored through the night and by the afternoon, Alyssa’s doula let me know Alyssa was feeling ready for me to come! When I arrived, I was amazed to see how much control Alyssa had! For being a first-time mama, she was so calm (even though she informed me she did not feel in control at all, haha!). She asked to be checked and I was pleased to find she was 8cm with a bulging bag of water. We decided to break her water to help speed up the process and within minutes of sitting on the toilet, she was feeling the urge to push! We got her into the pool and immediately, I could see Alyssa sink into the pool in full relaxation! She continued to listen to her body and allow her baby to tell her what was to be done and quickly, baby began to crown! With a few strong pushes, her husband Kyle caught his sweet baby in the water and lifted her into this world! Alyssa was done and there was immediate relief! Alyssa welcomed her first baby sweet Emerson into this world weighing in at 7lbs 4oz! I was so incredibly honored to serve your sweet family, thank you for allowing me to be a part of this special time!

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