I met Laura early in her pregnancy shortly after they relocated to Colorado Springs from Alaska. When they found out they were pregnant, they knew a home birth was going to be the right place for them to bring this new baby into the world. Laura’s pregnancy progressed beautifully and was following her previous pregnancy very similarly! At around 32 weeks pregnant, Laura started to measure ahead as she did with her previous pregnancy but once an ultrasound confirmed everything was normal and her baby may just be measuring a bit ahead, we all settled into her way of carrying her sweet babes!

Early in the morning, I received a call from Laura letting me know she thought she was in early labor, a couple of hours later, I heard from her again that her water broke! I arrived shortly after as it seemed like things were progressing! We set up the room and waited for sweet baby to arrive. About two hours after my arrival, we decided to do a check. We were grateful she was 8cm and were patient to wait for baby to make his grand arrival! About an hour after this check, Laura seemed to be feeling the urge to push. We moved around the room, to the tub, and back to the bed as Laura listened to her body with pushing. Because her cervix wasn’t fully out of the way, we tried to help Laura not push unless she absolutely had to. Finally, after about an hour, she was fully dilated and the urge to push really set in! Laura was tired so we had her change positions in the bed to help with pushing but also the discomfort. We finally found a good position that helped her feel comfortable and as baby’s head began to birth, it was clear we needed change positions to give baby more room! Laura flipped to her hands and knees with everyone’s help! Baby’s head immediately birthed and his body quickly followed! Laura was finally done after all that hard work!! Sweet baby W was welcomed into the world at a healthy 8lbs 14ozs! Welcome to the world sweet baby, thank you so much for allowing me to serve you and your sweet family!

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