I had the privilege of meeting Amanda and her husband early in her pregnancy. Their family had been stationed in Colorado Springs by the military and they were excited to be expecting their third child! After chatting about some risks Amanda and her husband were concerned about, they decided that home birth was their best option! She had delivered both of her previous children naturally so she knew she would have no troubles at home! Amanda’s pregnancy progressed beautifully and I was pleased with how well she was doing. About 2 months before Amanda was due, her family found out that her husband was going to be deployed. He had to make it for training in Texas the week before her due date and would be deployed in July. I knew this news was very difficult to receive but Amanda took it in stride. They would allow dad to come for the birth but only once she was in labor and he might be allowed his 2 weeks of leave to be with mama and their newest member if they could give it to him. We hoped baby might arrive a little early before dad left but alas, baby needed more time and Amanda’s husband left for training.

On her due date, June 22nd, I received a text from Amanda that she was fairly confident today was the day! She had been having more consistent contractions and wanted me to be ready when she called. I already made plans for my other clients who were seeing me in clinic that day just in case she did call and went about my day. Around 1pm, Amanda told me it was time. She was so calm on the phone I almost couldn’t believe her! I quickly got my other clients where they needed to go and headed her way. My team arrived right behind me and we set up the room. I checked on mom and baby who were both doing so well and encouraged her to let me know if she needed anything. We gave her some space and within 20 minutes of my arrival, she was ready to get in the pool. We had received news that dad was on his way from Texas so I had hoped he would make it for the birth. Little did I know how sneaky Amanda was as she labored so quietly! She started to give quiet pushes and I waited with her as she labored. I could see baby beginning to crown and told her she could reach down and touch his head! She did just that and took over from there! With each push she guided baby’s head and body down and was finally able to complete the delivery and pull baby to her chest! I was so impressed with her poise and control, it was absolutely breathtaking! Baby was born at 2:09pm just 39 minutes after the midwife arrived! He weighed in at 8#10oz and looked just like his brothers! Daddy was able to get home from Denver by 5pm and this family was complete! Thank you to this sweet, strong family for allowing me to care for you during such a special time, I was truly blessed!












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