I met Lisa when she and her husband were moving to the Springs from Denver and needed to make a provider change. Lisa had intended to deliver with midwives at the hospital like she did with her first but something in her heart felt she needed to try for a home birth. She had had a c-section with her son after working so hard for over 2 days and making it to 8cm only to have to go to the OR for delivery of her 9 pound son! This time it had to be different! Lisa transferred in just after 28 weeks and her pregnancy progressed beautifully! I could tell feeling her belly that this baby was going to be significantly smaller than her first and after her 40 week visit, we all waited excitedly for baby to arrive!

I received a text from Lisa early in the morning letting me know she felt she was in early labor and a few hours later she let me know she called in her doula. I asked the doula to keep me posted and around 5:30pm, I received a call from her doula letting me know they were ready for me. On my 40 minute drive to their home, I received a second call from her doula letting me know her labor took a sudden turn and she really wanted to push. Fortunately, I was just 15 minutes away and I picked up my pace! I arrived at 6:15pm and found Lisa laboring and pushing with each contraction. I listened to baby and both mom and baby were doing so well! She pushed harder and harder with each passing contraction and baby began to crown! We all got ready for baby to deliver as Lisa calmly brought her baby into the world. Dad came over as baby’s shoulders delivered and he reached into the water and brought his sweet baby girl who was born en caul to mom’s chest. We helped pull the bag from over baby’s face and she let out a beautiful wail! Baby Adaline was born at 6:31pm weighing in at a teeny tiny 6#9oz! What a difference between brother and sister! Welcome to the world sweet girl, what a pleasure it was to get to meet you for the first time!


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