Megan came to me after she had started care with an OB and had intended to have a hospital birth. As her care progressed, she began to realize she wanted something different for her first baby and contacted me for a home birth. Upon meeting Megan, I knew she’d be a rock star at her birth and I could not wait to see how amazing she would do! The rest of her pregnancy was wonderful and we all waited in excited anticipation as she passed her due date about when this sweet baby would join us.

I woke up to a text from Megan basically letting me know she had been contracting for two days and was getting really discouraged. I asked her what her contractions were doing now and if she’d called her doula in yet. She had called her doula in but said she didn’t think it was time for me to come yet but I let her know it did sound like she was in labor officially. I reminded her about when I liked to come and hoped she would get to meet her baby sooner rather than later since she had been through a lot the last couple of days! I decided to head down to a home visit that was in her area after her doula let me know we still had time. As I was driving (and had literally just passed her house not 6 minutes before), I received a text from her doula saying things suddenly turned and her water broke and mama was pushing! I immediately turned my car around and raced back to her home. I snagged my supplies and raced up the stairs and into their home just as baby was being pulled out of the water by mama and placed on her chest! Sweet baby girl let out a sweet cry and we all celebrated that Megan was FINALLY done and those two days of pre-labor really benefitted her greatly! Baby girl was born at 11:50am just 3.5 hours after she texted me to let me know she thought active labor was starting! What a fast first-time mama active labor!! Sweet Evelyn Marie was welcomed by her amazing parents at 7# 13oz and just as sweet as can be!! Thank you, Megan, for allowing me to serve your sweet family and support you in this momentous occasion! You cannot know how honored I was to support you!


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