I met Lindsey early in her pregnancy when she found out I took her insurance for a home birth. She had her first child in the hospital setting and knew she wanted something different for this baby. Everything progressed as expected and baby was growing well! As we approached her due date, we knew there was a good chance she would go overdue as she did with her first so we waited patiently as we knew baby knew the right time to come. When Lyndsey reached 41 weeks, we talked about stripping her membranes which she decided not to do as she wanted to see what baby would do on their own. We were excited to meet little one knowing it wouldn’t be too much longer!

At 41 weeks and 5 days, I received a call from DJ her husband letting me know Lyndsey was in labor. We talked about things to do to help Lyndsey cope and when to call me back in for the labor. I tried to go back to sleep but tossed and turned until 5:30am when DJ called me back again. After some talking I decided to come in. I found Lyndsey laboring so well and encouraged her to continue what she was doing! She decided to get in the pool and she labored for a couple of hours with that. She started to feel the urge to push occasionally so we decided to do a check and were surprised to find her at 6cm! I figured baby was putting a lot of pressure on her pelvis making her feel like she needed to push and that we just needed baby to move down more! She labored well for a couple of more hours and decided to do another check, she was 8cm this time and moving along well! We knew it wouldn’t be much longer. As she began her next contraction after I checked her, her water broke and things started to get very intense and exciting! About 30 minutes later, Lyndsey felt the urge to push much more strongly this time so we encouraged her to listen to her body! For 35 minutes Lyndsey pushed with all her might as baby’s head finally began to crown. She breathed through each new sensation as she allowed her skin to stretch and with one small push, baby’s head delivered. Lyndsey then had to push to help the shoulders through and to get baby’s hips through as well! It became very clear during the birth that baby was going to be a chunker and we were so excited to find out what he weighed! Finally baby boy was placed on Lyndsey’s chest and she was relieved to finally be done! Baby Everett weighed in at 9#7oz and was stocky from head to toe! Welcome to the world little love, thank you for allowing me to be present for your amazing birth!

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