Jenn came to me a little later in her pregnancy when she decided she needed a change in her home birth plans. Jenn had successfully delivered at home previously so this was nothing new for her so we were all very excited to see what this next sweet baby would bring! Jenn chose not to find out what they were having but with 3 girls, I teased her that she was definitely having a boy this time around! šŸ˜‰ Of course, she insisted they only knew how to grow little girls and so we waited in excited anticipation for the day this sweet child would make his or her arrival! As 39 weeks approached, we waited assuming this pregnancy would run a similar course to her other pregnancies only to find out this was not the case! Thirty-nine weeks came and went then forty weeks came and went and I remember receiving an email from Jenn the day before she went into labor to remind her to talk to me about what we were going to do if this baby never came. A deep joy and laughter filled my heart, I knew I was blessed to be working with Jenn!

As I was finishing up with Rachel (the previous birth story), I received a text from Jennā€™s doula letting me know she was in early labor and with her fast labors, when it was time, I needed to be ready to go! I quickly raced home, ate a late dinner and nursed my son just in time to receive a phone call from Jenna letting me know it was time to come support Jenn. I jumped in my car and sped to her home. When I arrived, I could tell Jenn was really close and Jenna her doula was doing a wonderful job supporting her! I had enough time to pull out my supplies and put on a pair of gloves when I heard Jennā€™s first natural instinct to push. We quickly got her into the tub and Jenn jumped right into her goddess birthing ways! This baby was a little more effort with pushing and Jenn was getting discouraged but Jenna and I continued to remind her how incredible she was and how strong and capable she was! She didnā€™t believe us in the moment but of course, she was! Quickly, baby began to round the corner into the world in the amniotic sack (en caul) and before she knew it, little one was placed on her chest and family poured into the bathroom to oooo and ahhhh over their newest addition! Everyone was in joyous, happy tears and Jenn continued to thank everyone for their help only for us to remind her she did it all so well! Her eldest daughter then came into the bathroom to let everyone know what they actually had! She lifted the towel sweetly and looked at her mother for reassurance and sheepishly announced that she thought it was a boy!! Jenn asked her if she was sure it was a boy and she responded with an ā€œI think so!ā€ Seeing as sheā€™s only had sisters, it would certainly be difficult to know for sure if he was a boy but fortunately, she was correct! Little man ended up being almost 2 lbs bigger than his sisters at 8#2oz and it became very clear why her pushing was so much harder! This little boy was such a huge surprise and a wonderful blessing! Welcome to the world sweet Georges!

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