I met Sara later in her pregnancy after she had already started care with her OB. She had had two previous hospital births and after some thinking, decided she needed to look into some out of hospital birth options. This was going to be her last baby and she wanted to have the exact special birth she pictured. After meeting Sara and her fiancé Jesse, it was very clear she was going to do great with home birth and I could not wait to get started with them! Sara’s pregnancy was amazing and she wore it so well! Sara had her two previous pregnancies around 39 weeks so we waited in anticipation for this baby when 39 weeks rolled around. But as many of my first home birthers do (and those goofy third babies) 39 weeks came and went, then 40 weeks came and went, then 41 weeks CAME AND WENT!! This baby was COZY and staying put for the time being! I reminded Sara how very normal this all was and we got more excited each day that passed as it meant baby was that much closer!

At 41 weeks and 1 day, I received a text from Sara that she thought she might be in labor. Guess we didn’t have to wait much longer after all! I told her to give me a heads up as things got closer and I’d head over. It felt like I had been asleep for 5 minutes when I received another call from Jesse, Sara seemed to be moving fast and it was time for me to come. I raced over to the west side and dragged all my birth gear in to find Sara in bed and laboring very quickly. It was clear she was already started to push. I raced between helping Jesse with the pool and supporting Sara during each contraction. It always feels like the pool takes an ETERNITY to fill when you want to get your mama in it so badly! Sara kept telling me how badly she wanted to push during the filling and finally, I was able to tell her she could get in!! We helped her into the pool and I saw immediate relief flood Sara’s face! With the next contraction, Sara gave into her body’s direction and started pushing with all her might! Just a few contractions with pushing and Jesse was able to reach into the water and bring his sweet son into the world! Tears flowed from everyone’s eyes as we welcomed the newest member of their family. Shortly after, her other boys woke up to greet their new little brother and everyone got to bond together in the comfort of their own home! Sweet Eliot was welcomed into the world at 8lbs 8 oz and oh so squishy!! Thank you, sweet family, for allowing me to be a part of such a special moment, you will forever live in my heart!!

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