Home Birth FAQ
What is a Home Birth?
Home birth is defined as giving birth to a baby in your place of residence. Home birth can be planned (87% of U.S. home births) or unplanned (13%)...
Who gives birth at home?
Women in the US choose to give birth at home for a number of different reasons. There are a number of benefits associated with giving birth at home...
Who is good candidate for home birth?
There is a lot of controversy over who should be eligible to give birth at home. Many countries have standardized “lists” of what makes a woman a good...
What are some reasons women and families choose home birth?
In a 2009 study, Boucher et al. interviewed 160 women who had a home birth in the U.S. and asked them why they chose a home birth. Reasons that...
Is home birth right for everyone?
No. Homebirth is not right for everyone. Parents who choose a home birth must engage in a much higher level of preparation, responsibility, and involvement...
What kind of prenatal care do you recieve if you plan on having a home birth?
Women who plan a home birth with a midwife generally receive care that is based on the midwifery model of care. The midwifery model of care sees...
How much does a home birth cost?
The cost of home birth can vary considerably depending on your geographic location. Home birth may or may not be covered by health insurance...
What kind of supplies do you have to have on hand?
Supplies that the mother and her partner need to gather beforehand include clean towels, washcloths, 1 set of bed sheets that can get messy, a waterproof...
What does the midwife bring to the birth?
The midwife brings an RN assistant. The supplies that a midwife brings varies from midwife to midwife, but the basics may include...
What interventions can a midwife make at a home birth?
Midwives do have a host of other clinical skills that they can use, depending on their scope of practice, training, and licensure. In general, home birth midwives...
What are the reasons a mother might have to be transferred to a hospital?
It is important for home birth parents to plan for the possibility of a transfer to the hospital. A study of 5,418 U.S. women who gave birth at home under...
Do the parents have to clean up the mess?
Midwives do much of the work ahead of time by protecting your floors and furniture with waterproof drop cloths and with the same blue “chux” pads that are...
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Water Birth FAQ
How do you keep the water warm?
The thick air walls of all our inflatable pools keep the water warm for hours. Birth Pool in a Box will hold its water temperature for over five hours within...
What keeps the baby from breathing under water?
There are four main factors that prevent the baby from inhaling water at the time of birth: Prostaglandin E2 levels from the placenta which cause...
How is the baby monitored during water birth?
The manufacturers of monitoring equipment and hand held dopplers have developed water proof varieties of monitoring equipment. In typical waterbirths...
Is water birth safe?
The safety of water birth needs to be judged in looking back at the number of cases that have been reported world wide and the number of problems...
When do you enter the water?
You can use the labor pool whenever you want. Some women have found that if they get into the water in very early labor, before contractions are...
Can I be in the water if my amniotic sac has ruptured?
When the amniotic sac ruptures, or the water breaks, a woman can labor in the water. Studies show that the risk of infection does not increase from...
Prenatal Care FAQ
Can Midwives do ultrasounds?
Clinical practice has changed, and many midwives are now performing ultrasound examinations during all trimesters of pregnancy. Mountain...
What do Midwives do during pregnancy?
A midwife is a trained health professional who helps healthy women during their pregnancy, during their labor, at delivery, and after the birth of their babies.
Do Midwives do blood work? Are tests required?
We do blood work for our clients. Whether or not a midwife does bloodwork may depend on the legalities in your state. Blood work may be done...
Can my children, family, and friends attend appointments with me?
Children, friends, doulas, and family members are always welcome at your appointments! Any adult you would like in the room is welcome.
What all is done at my first prenatal appointment?
You should call to schedule a prenatal visit with us as soon as you realize you are pregnant. After speaking with you, we will schedule an appointment for...
What do subsequent prenatal visits include?
At these visits, your widwife will weigh you, check your blood pressure, measure and feel your growing abdomen, and check for swelling. After week 12...
Postpartum & Newborn Care FAQ
Who examines the baby after birth?
Your midwife will perform a newborn physical exam after birth and before leaving your home. In addition to faxing a copy of the exam to your chosen...
What tests are recommended for a baby after birth?
There are 3 tests that are routinely recommended for infants after birth. A newborn metabolic screening (these are done at the home visit), a newborn...
What if I want my baby to be circumcised?
We do not perform circumcisions in-house or at home births, but in some circumstances your pediatrician can complete the procedure or we can provide you...
Can a midwife help with breastfeeding?
Both during pregnancy and after birth, your midwife can provide the education, information, and support you need to start breastfeeding if that is your plan.
How long does a midwife stay after the birth?
Normally we stay for about 2 hours after the birth until all are well, fed, clean and ready to be alone as a family. During that time we monitor the mother’s well...
How frequent are your postpartum and newborn care appointments?
We will come to your home 24-36 hours postpartum, again at four-six days, and again at 2 weeks. A fourth visit is scheduled at 6 weeks postpartum for just...
Well Woman Care FAQ
Can I choose a Certified Nurse Midwife as my provider even if i'm not pregnant?
Yes. A common misconception about certified nurse midwives is that they only provide obstetrical care. While pregnancy, labor and delivery, and...
What is included in a Well Woman Annual Exams?
You no longer need to dread your annual exam! The well-woman exam is is a holistic visit for women of all ages. The exam offers women an opportunity...
Can a midwife perform a pap smear?
Yes, we can do pap smears. We follow ASCCP guidelines and in the most comfortable manner possible. All of our clients report having no pain...
Do midwives offer family planning services?
We offer women a wide range of options for birth control from abstinence and natural family planning to diaphragms to IUD’s and Oral Contraceptive pills.
Can midwives do breast scans?
Mountain Miracles Midwifery is pleased to offer breast scans/ checks in a painless, non-invasive manner as an early detection...
Do midwives provide STD care?
Talk is one of the most important pieces related to STD care. We want you to feel comfortable asking questions and addressing concerns related to STDs.
Tiffany is a highly knowledgeable nurse midwife who provides wonderful quality care in a peaceful way (especially for an anxious first-time mom-to-be)! As a health care provider myself, I knew I did not want a hospital birth, but care with a strong medical basis was important. Tiffany was exactly what we were looking for! She provided exceptional prenatal and postpartum care! I always felt heard during our sessions and felt comfortable asking Tiffany anything and EVERYTHING! She was extremely encouraging during my delivery and had an excellent team right alongside her
Alyssa Brown
My husband was so hesitant with having a home birth at first, but when we went to our consult with Tiffany she put all his worries at ease! After we left there we felt no need to even go to the other consult we knew this was the right fit for us! Lauren delivered my sweet little guy and it was such a wonderful experience. The support and encouragement I received was something I’ve never found anywhere else. These ladies go above and beyond and are with you every step of the way! I highly recommended them and I plan to come back for our next baby!
Brianna McKee
When we started looking into doctors and birth centers, we quickly realized that our options were pretty limited here in the Springs. When we found Tiffany she listened to our story and we quickly connected with her, her energy, and all that she shared with us. I walked out and immediately knew she was the one to guide us on this journey! On the day of delivery she showed up and two and a half hours later our little girl entered the world. She was brilliant and provided relief when I needed it most, made me feel safe and secure, and strong and capable the entire time. I am so appreciative!
Melissa Lenz