I met Taylor when she was 32 weeks and planning to have a water birth in the hospital in Aurora because it was the closest place that allowed water birth and took her insurance. She truly desired to have a home birth and when we met, she was thrilled at the thought of making her dream come true!

Labor: Taylor struggled with intense Braxton Hicks contractions that many times had us concerned for preterm labor. They would always eventually stop but she was still concerned baby would come too early and she would miss out on her home birth. When she reached 37 weeks, we were all thrilled that now, no matter what her body did, she could have her baby! I saw Taylor at 38 weeks and other than a painful pubic bone, she was doing well but ready to have her baby! I received a call from Taylor on Monday April 6th at 12:30pm telling me that her water had broken. Her family was sleeping and she was calm over the phone, so I was thinking we may be hanging out for awhile during the night! I got to her home at 1am and Taylor was sitting on the birth ball and telling me about the gross leaking she was dealing with! She was smiling, but I could tell each time she had a contraction, she would meditate through them. Both mom and baby sounded great and labor seemed to be moving along. Around  3am Taylor’s breathing changed and she asked for the tub to be set up. Her husband Austen and I feverishly set up and filled the tub and with a quick assessment at 3:30am of both mom and baby, Taylor was 6cm and ready to get in the tub! I then called my assistants to the birth and sat by watching Taylor. Taylor was a beautiful picture of peace. She meditated and breathed quietly through each contraction which at times had us all guessing if she was really progressing! She was AMAZING! About 10 minutes into her time in the pool, Taylor made a different noise then before. I asked her is she was OK and she told me yes, but then asked “should I be feeling like I need to push?” We all laughed and I told her if that’s what her body was telling her to do, then she needed to push! Daddy donned gloves in preparation to help catch baby and mom pushed quietly. Within 10 minutes, baby was delivered into daddy’s hands at 3:51am! From start to finish this labor was fast and I was so impressed with Taylor’s strength and excitement. Her first statement was, “I got my natural birth in the water, and I’m in my home!” She was so proud of herself for accomplishing her goal and so were we! Little Willow Sage weighed in at 6lbs 8oz and was born with a head full of blond curly hair to her wonderful parents Austen and Taylor. Congratulations to both of you and your sweet family, thank you for the privilege to be present at your birth!

*photos are courtesy of Brezi Merryman with Captured by Brezi Photography http://www.capturedbybrezi.com/*

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