I met sweet Melissa early in her second trimester when she decided an OB-attended hospital birth was not going to suit her needs for this pregnancy. Melissa had given birth to her older daughter in a hospital-based birthing center and wanted something similar but this time, she wanted it in the comfort of her own home! After getting settled in the prospect of another pregnancy and her care settled, Melissa took to her pregnancy like a champ! Everything progressed beautifully as expected and as her due date approached we all anticipated little one’s arrival excitedly only to be reminded every pregnancy length is different and as Melissa’s due date sailed by, it became clear again that this sweet baby would be no different! Finally, two days after her due date and nearly a week after her daughter arrived in her previous pregnancy, Melissa’s husband Nate called to let me know she was in labor and today was the day! I remembered Melissa telling me she was going to do everything in her power to not make it to her appointment that afternoon and it looked like she was going to succeed 😉

When I arrived, Melissa was resting in bed and laboring like a goddess! Nate was quickly filling up the pool and I jumped in where I could to check on both her and baby (who were both doing wonderfully). After catching up on where she was in her labor and listening to her needs, we got her out of bed and moving to help manage the contractions better. Fortunately, the pool filled quickly and Melissa was able to get in which was a huge relief! She labored wonderfully in the pool and baby danced right along with her! It was very clear her labor was moving along quickly and we were all getting excited! Nate eventually got in the pool with Melissa and within minutes Melissa was roaring her sweet baby into this world! It was incredible as she used open glottis pushing to ease her baby into this world, I love hearing the power of a woman! I encouraged different positions to help Melissa and Nate catch their little girl and with one final roar, Melissa brought her sweet baby into this world and as baby delivered towards her mom and dad, both Melissa and Nate lifted her out of the water and with the relief of delivery washing over her, Melissa began to cry as she brought her sweet treasure to her chest! She was done and she’d done it again! What an incredible blessing to be a part of this sweet and powerful moment! Baby Lyric was born at 7#4oz into her parents loving arms! What an incredible birth to be allowed to be a part of, thank you sweet family!

Photography courtesy of Jackie Parr-Akiona with All Things Baby Photography


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